
Monday, 3 June 2013


This topic mainly explained the difference between data and information, and the problems associated withe the information management. before we started with the main topics, we recapped on the topics of the previous IT courses. we defined what a computer is, its operations  and the evolution of computers and its generations as well as the categories of computers were discussed into detail. this followed by the explanation of the difference between data and information where we said; DATA is a raw facts which may take form of numbers, characters, symbols, pictures and sounds and has no much importance in that form.
While INFORMATION is data that is organized and has meaning for decision making. this means information is a processed data which has some knowledge.

From the class discussion we know that information can be used to influence and persuade, capital for IT-based companies, and also used for decision-making.
The basic two elements of information was also discussed which is, Reach(people sharing information) and Richness(relates to bandwidth, customization and interactivity).
Next on the agenda was Computer System and the relation ship between input processing, output and architecture (information processing).
Then lastly we concluded with an in depth lecture on Information Management(IM) which generally refers to managing any kind of information. this arises because organizations face different problems related to their information which calls for implementation of different kind of Technology.

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